
Why Are Women in Favor of Bananas

4. Bananas can help to lose weight.
Bananas can help you lose weight because they contain a large amount of food fiber while the amount of calorie is very small. You may feel full after eating some bananas because the starch amount inside them is high. In addition, it takes time for starch to convert into sugars. Therefore, there will be no excessive energy stocked inside body.
5. Bananas can be used for breakfast
With the fast pace of life, there are more and more people who try to replenish unbalanced diet with healthy food or supplements. Bananas contain nearly all kinds of vitamin and mineral substances, thus you can easily take in various kinds of nutrients from bananas. Bananas contain much kalium and magnesuim. Kalium can prevent high blood pressure and muscle spasm while magnesuim can help to eliminate tiredness. As bananas can be easily digested and absorbed, they are suitable for all people. In addition, bananas can be used as a substitute of breakfast. You do not need to worry about gaining weight.

