
How to Bargain Hunt for Authentic Christian Louboutin, Gucci and Prada Shoes

Search Ebay. Many online websites claim to be selling authentic Christian Louboutin shoes but are actually selling counterfeit replicas. If you are not well versed in what to look for in a high end shoe, you'll easily be taken for a ride. Do not let claims of 100% authentic product or money back guarantees fool you into purchasing a brand with which you are not familiar. Instead search for reliable sellers on Ebay. You'll want to look for sellers that are known to sell a large volume of high end shoes from different designers. Be sure to check past buyers' feedback from previous transactions to be sure you are getting authentic shoes at a great price.Step2Shop Clearance Sales: High-end department store outlets centers are a major source of consolidating slow selling designer goods for major department stores. In addition, these consolidation centers also follow the same retail calendar as the rest of the industry and have a clearance period, normally in January and July. In recent years, retailers have been more apt to offer larger discounts more often which mean better deals for the customer. If you aren't already familiar with these sale periods at your favorite stores sign up for email alerts and wait for the big sales. Use coupons or sign up for frequent shopper programs for bigger savings. One Example: Off 5th Saks 5th Avenue Outlet Shoe Sale/Clearance. Off 5th also offers MORE which will usually yield at least an additional 5-10% savings off your purchase. Step3Shop Off-Season: Shopping off season is a great way to score high-end designer shoes. While many shoe lovers shop in season for the shoes they desire, bargain hunters in the know will shop off season to get the absolute best deals. This sometimes means purchasing sandals in fall or boots in summer. (Note: This tactic is not necessarily for the shoe lover that must have the latest design. If you love the work of a particular designer and would like to own as many shoes of theirs without breaking your budget, this tactic is for you).
Step 4Shop Sample Sales: If you are close to a metropolitan area such as NYC or LA, sample sales are also a great option to employ when bargain hunting for designer shoes. Sign up for email alerts or take note of an annual event and be sure to attend.
Step 5Sign up for Member Only Shopping Outlets: Online sample sale sites have begun to emerge online as a destination for designer goods. Some of the more widely known sites such as Gilt, TopSecret, and Hautelook host exclusive sales of high end shoe designers. They are reputable and have great return policies. Sign up to be invited and the rest is history!

