Vitamin A has the function of protecting skin and mucosa as well as promoting the growth of skeleton and teeth. It is an essential substance which can protect eyesight in the night. Lack of Vitamin A will block the keratin in pores, thus make skin tough and dry, even lead to chapped skin.
Vitamin B1 is has choline esterase inhibition. It can maintain digestion function normally. Beriberi, loss of appetite, indigestion can be caused if vitamin B1 is in short supply.
Vitamin B2 is a substance contained in coenzyme. It can help promote the oxidation of those tissues in cells and takes part in the metabolism of sugar, protein and fat. Lack of vitamin B2 will cause a lot of disease such as cheilitis, glossitis, ulser and facial acne etc.
Vitamin B6 has a close relationship with metabolism of amino acids. It can promote the absorption of amino acids and the synthesis of protein, which is needed in the growth of cells. It can also affect the synthesis of aminobutyric acid and 5-hydroxy tryptamine. Lack of vitamin B6 can cause peripheral neuritis and dermatitis.
Vitamin B12 is essential to the formation of red cells and healthy tissues. Lack of vitamin B12 can cause pernicious anemia, pigmentation in hands and feet.