Happiness in hand
By 2010, qiu dong belt creative become main melody

Belgrade marks 30 years of sister cities relation with Beijing
BELGRADE, Nov. 23 (Xinhua) -- Celebrating 30 years of cooperation and fraternal relations between the capitals of Serbia and China, an art exhibit entitled "The Beauty of Beijing" was opened in the Old Palace in Belgrade on Tuesday.Christian louboutin Black
Belgrade Mayor Dragan Djilas extended a welcome to the visiting Beijing delegation, underscoring years of cooperation and cultural exchanges.
"For us the bridge we are going to build together is important, along with our cultural components which will complement our desire for Belgrade in 2020 to be the European 'cultural capital'," said Djilas, making reference to the 1,507-meter bridge over the Danube River to be constructed by Chinese firms. The total value of the contract is 170 million Euros and its completion date is 2013.

The original cooperation agreement between Beijing and Belgrade was signed in October 1980, with the aim of boosting cooperation in the fields of economics, urban planning, utilities, health, education, culture, tourism and sport.
Ma Zhipeng, senior advisor to the city of Beijing, said cooperation between the twin cities has been expanding over the last three decades.Christian Louboutin
He said the art exhibit, with its 50 paintings divided into four thematic sections, would allow the citizens of Belgrade to become more familiar with the Chinese capital.
"On the occasion of the festive celebrations, in addition to the exhibition, the Belgrade Chamber of Commerce and Beijing signed an agreement on cooperation, which will provide a platform for economic cooperation between the two cities," said Ma.Christian Louboutin Pumps
In addition to the art exhibit, the Orchestra "Huaxia" performed a collection of classic Chinese musical pieces with traditional instruments.
I ever loved you
I've been trying to love a person. One is sufficient. "your hand, and son harmonic old." beautiful fable is you tell me, so I am very not easy to fall in love with you later, why do you want to leave?
Friend is a lifetime. If early know today of this result. I guess I will be your good friend, your best friend. But not you once lover. Please forgive me. I can't you as my friend. In our break-up. Really. You should know that such a few words: "if really loved, it cannot be friends." each one night, every night like night. Past panning staged, missing bit by bit, finally, condensed into a single again finally orbiting a glittering and translucent tears. You don't love.Christian Louboutin
Someone said, "be loved is happiness, love is painful." It happened that is so many people prefer to love rather than to be loved. Like me, as you!
We are two too similar, my sad is very sad. But not a bit method can save you. From hand to break up. Seemingly is a very simple process. But you know it or not, this simple process is the only love in my life.
To the last. I finally found: originally I is a not suitable for love. And you, finally also will have your new life. So I said I bless you! True. Bless you!Christian Louboutin Boots
Broke up. No other to beg. Love is love. Romantic love in addition to both you and I can't solve the problem. Beautiful feelings is never forget things.
Ear again came together we listen to a long time of those old songs, my side without you. The window is our familiar moonlight, but also not gentleness, and for me, without you also have themselves.Fall is unfounded. Terrible is one doesn't want to fall will involuntarily destruction, depression. True. Sorrow is addictive poison. As I love you is also unable to forget the fact. Christian Louboutin Pumps
Love, sometimes means harm. And I, again and again unbearable to sorrow. Once the honey gentleness will air-dry, fade. I this you don't love people are just the same.
All let it die with the breeze! Broke up. Remember. I this you don't love of people had very deep love you...
Love a person isn't meant to be
Someone says: drinking, six points drunk ren saixu is most comfortable. Time of have a meal, 7 minutes full satisfaction is the most comfortable. If you continue to eat, it is very likely gastro-intestinal discomfort and lose all the pleasure of dining. When you love a person, love to eight absolutely just right. All expectation and hope only seven of eight points, remaining two or three points used to love yourself. If you continue to love more, will probably give each other heavy pressure, let the other suffocatively come, completely lost the love of fun. That day my friend asked me: exactly how should do just be love a person? I smiled to say with him: actually everybody is romance is different, said that enlightens, but was afraid that wrong but become misled! If you are also for love perplexed, perhaps the following the paragraph can give you some revelation: love a person, want to understand, also want to KaiXie; To apologize, also want to thank, To admit, also want to correct the mistakes; Be considerate, also want to understanding, Is accepted, not endure, Is tolerant, not indulge, Is support, not dominate, Is sympathy, not questioned; Is telling, rather than indictment, Is unforgettable, not forgotten; Is each other, not all things metasomatism; Pray for each other is silent, rather than to the other party demanding, Can be romantic, but don't waste; Can at any time in hand. But don't literally break up if you've done all, even though you don't love a person, also have yearn instead of a grudge against ~ ~Christian Louboutin Boots
In fact I don't know anything, sometimes love or like a person only destined to ~ ~
You happy, so I am happy
That day, I accepts a breast cancer patients, more than fifty, for the discovery of late, late due to illness, and lungs have transferred, surgery has no meaning. In my opinion, such patient money already largely useless, doctor in lifetime eat more drink be serious. My opinion has on the patient's husband clear, see that he is so sad and frustrated, he was the disappointment, look absolutely let I remorse.
Modern people in advocating patients have illness, I was right to consider how to explain and patients condition. The woman's husband walk to come in, incidentally also mask on the door. Man is respectful of appearance, a little fumble, he chewing me to say a lot of words. I finally came to understand, he asked me not to the seerity of illness told his wife, because she didn't know, only thinks is mammary gland grew on a small tumors, cut off was just fine.Christian louboutin Black
It is strange, many patients' families all this requirement, they are afraid of sick people cannot afford losing the life confidence blow. In fact also is such, clinical, many cancer patient's death does not because disease itself degradation and development, but because of illness after know patients lose our confidence in life, so will accelerate the death of the patient.
I natural promised his request, also said to him surgery has not make much sense, he can save a sum of operation, can use this money to let his wife for something better, or enjoy some. I return to he suggested that I have a good friend in the travel agency, if he wanted to, he can take his wife go to Hong Kong for a visit, I can friends and I gave them the most preferential price.
To my amazement, he was firmly require surgical must do, but as long as the small tumor resection of mammary gland, he said he knew that to his wife's illness did not help, but can let his wife rest assured, let her think she really just got a little ill, and it's nothing serious. See that he loved his wife, he is resolute, I only have promised to arrange for them to surgery.
On the same day afternoon, I'm office, a face calm woman pushed the door and enter, is the female patients. I watch her once, she is really an ordinary woman, plain, and littele plain clothes very thin also is very old, from various aspects are a common saying somebody else's ordinary woman, surface can't see any charm, but I know her man loved her.
Her words small but very direct also very organized, this lets me know that she was a very rational woman. She meant to roughly three: first, she said she knew her illness, because she had long ago in the village when barefoot doctors, she has seen related books at home, they know they have that kind of bad disease, and have already very serious. Second, she told me not to actual condition tell her husband, she said she this lifetime is her taking care of him, old and didn't want him to be overly concerned. Third, she require surgical resection of her breast, but as long as the small tumors, going through the motions to comfort her husband, think that she really got only a little sick.
Woman clear ground to say, I have stayed lived, I can't think of a couple in different time for me to do the same requirements.
At one time, and I thought she was deliberately to tempt unionizing to I understand disease. But soon I knew I was wrong, she is really know oneself after all what is wrong with you. I only use HaoYanHaoYu tell her actually her illness and didn't she imagined that serious, as long as finish operation can be recovered. But she quietly laughing interrupt me, she said, thank you, doctor, my illness, I know, I just want you to his secret.
I was wondering how is good, the woman's husband push door came in and see a woman after a face of fear of appearance. A woman saw him, was the first to speak up: "you're right. You see, I just ask a doctor, the doctor said I, this is just a small fibroma, making small operation cut away was just fine, just like ten years ago my cousin long the same. She is now well!" A woman face bright smile, don't see any pretended to trace, the man was very happy look, "is well, operation cut away he would be okay, let's go, don't hold up doctors work." The woman went let a man helped walked out, face when go woman also specially return overdo to me say "thanks".
Two happy look as if really is she only had a little trouble, and not let people talk about the color change "cancer". At that moment, watching them two pieces of old but had a child and cherubic smile face, and they have slightly bent figure, I suddenly filled with touched, see be used to worldly born and death, I thought I had numbness, but at the moment I yet for the old couple had touched, for they arises feelings. I have to do something for them what impulse, but again I what can be done about it?Christian Louboutin Pumps
I listen to their advice, in fact I had no alternative, surgery is small, I just did what I can do.
Later, they quickly out of the hospital, the hospital, the husband came into my office, red face asking if I go to the Hong Kong tourist can really preferential many. He says he will take his wife to visit Hong Kong, see the neon of world, he said his wife follow him didn't enjoy what fu, he want to let her live can wonderful life, but a little money, please I help you can see some more favorable. Of course I obligatory, I find I that when guide friends gave him the most preferential price, and mine that friend along the way to their more care.
Later I listen to the friend say, this old couple is he has seen the most loving couple old man, also be Hong Kong tour happiest couple. Finally, he gave me a videotape, is the old couple of Hong Kong tour, they say they're thank me, know I really care for them, were recorded designedly so as to let me know now they're happy.
When a friend of tell, my mind suddenly gushed out a word: are you happy, so I am happy.
Convince others to six different kinds of good method
A, regulate atmosphere, example
In persuading, you should talk to adjust the atmosphere. If your displeasure with questions of way replace command, give a person with maintenance self-esteem and honor the opportunity, the atmosphere is friendly and harmony, persuade may be easier to success; Conversely, in persuading not respect for others and pulled out a vice thrusting manner, then persuasion is mostly to fail. After all, people are self-esteem, even 3-year-old children also have their self-esteem, who did not hope oneself by others easily convince and under the control.
A high school teacher took over a bad job, just in time to catch BanBan director arrange all class students attend school playground labor. Flat Students of this class hiding in the shade who also refused to work, how is the teacher said has no effect. Afterwards the teacher thought of a example of way, he asked the students: "I know that you are not afraid of work, but were very afraid of hot?" Students who don't want to say and lazy, and Angela said, is because the weather was too hot. The teacher said: "since it is, we will wait the sun sets working again, now we can explicitly playing a play." Students listen will be happy. The teacher to make atmosphere more heated some, also bought dozens of ice cream let everybody good. In laughing play, students accepted the teacher's persuasion, ranging from the sun began to happily the Labour.
Second, strive for sympathy, with strong weak grams
Desire compassion is the person's nature, if you want to convince the more powerful opponent, might as well use this for sympathy skills, and the weak grams is strong, to achieve purpose.
Have a 15 year old girl, unfortunate abducted mountains to Shanghai. That evening, it was a light rain, little girl's door opened, and a middle-aged Shanghai "Allah" came in. The girl came to my mouth heartbeat. However, she still quickly sedation, thoughtfully called sound: "uncle!" Middle-aged "Allah" one leng, the portrait was magic settle there.Little girl carefully say: "I see uncle is a good man, look at your age, and my dad about, but my dad than you bitter much, he earned in the country last year, when he ZaiYang hot heatstroke..." Spoke, his tears hua hua to flow. "Allah" face reddened, short of silence, low to said 1: "thank you, little girl." Then open the door away.Face strong "Allah", why to let oneself appear more weak, to inspire his compassion? Smart girl is doing.1 "uncle", suddenly opened two age distance, let "Allah" cannot think of yourself that same in adolescent children. Sympathize with of seed germination start on his mind. Then little girl and lose no time to give he wore "good" hat, induction of his psychology to "good" standard English. Use "dad" and "Allah" contrast, further strengthened the "Allah" sympathy psychology.Three, well-meaning threat, by just making just
Many people know that use threat method can enhance compelling and from time to time can be put to use. This is with goodness that the threat of the other produce insecurity, achieve persuade the purpose of skills. In a collective activity, when everybody ploy sounds to pre-book hotel, but was told that night because mistakes in the work, the original order nice suite (have separate bathroom) that no hot water. In order to this matter, the leader made an appointment with the manager.
Manager: sorry, this late, please take you from home. But everybody sweaty, not bathe how line? How much more when we speak of hot water supply scheduled! It only please to solve.
Manager: I have no choice. Boiler man went home, he forgot to water, I already called they opened the collective bathroom, can you wash them.
Manager: yes, we can all take a shower bathroom to collective, but something to clear, suites, one 50 yuan a night is a private bathroom. Now to collective bathroom bath, it is reduced to tasseled shop level, we can only according to standards, one shop tasseled 15 yuan paid.
Manager: that not line, that not line!
Manager: that's only supply suite bathroom hot water.
Manager: I have no choice.
Manager: do you have any way!
Manager: you say have what way?
Manager: you have two ways: one is to put the boiler man brought back to negligence, 2 it is you can give each room carry two barrels of hot water. Of course I'll serve you advise everybody patience to wait. The confrontation is the result of manager sent back the boiler works, 40 minutes each suite bathroom have hot water.
Threats can enhance convincing, but, in specific application to note the following points:
First, the attitude to be friendly.
Second, clear consequences, explains the truth.
Third, the threatening degree not be excessively, otherwise the reverse is self-defeating.
Four, eliminate the guard, with emotion
Generally speaking, in you and to convince the object contest, each other can produce a preventive mental, especially in a crisis. By this time, want to make persuade success, you must pay attention to eliminate the other preventive mental. How to eliminate the preventive mental? From the subconscious speaking, prevent psychological is generated from a self-defensive, namely when people treat each other as simulated generation when a self-defensive psychology, then eliminate preventive mental the most effective method is to repeatedly cues, says he is friends than enemies. The implications can adopt various methods for: attentive, giving care, said to give help and so on.Christian Louboutin
There was a "DeJie" (taxi driver) put a male female youth: send to the place appointed, the other party took knife force her, bring out all his money was paying her pretended fear sample 300 yuan money say: "today had earned so little, too few put change also to you." Say that finish again took out $20 change with money. See "DeJie" such generous, criminals some become speechless. "DeJie" took the opportunity to say: "where is your house live? I send you to go home now. So late, family such worry." See "DeJie" is a woman again not resist, criminals and knife away, let "DeJie" sent him to the railway station. See atmosphere mollify, "DeJie" lose no time to inspire scoundrel: "my house was also very difficult, za2 and nothing technology, then with somebody else to learn to drive, work this line to earn money. Although not much, but life is good. How much more self-reared, poor little who else can laugh at me!" See scoundrel silent, "DeJie" continue to say: "alas, a man with his strong legs, dry some what all bad not, on the road for ruined." The railway station to see gangsters, want to get off, "DeJie" say again: "my money even help you, using it to do some work, later don't do such skeletons in." Hasn't been talk scoundrel listen to burst into tears, 300 multivariate money to "DeJie" hand a plug said: "elder sister, I will starve to death also not stem this thing." Say that finish, low head away. In this case, "DeJie" typically applied to eliminate preventive mental skills, finally reached persuade purpose.
Five, throwing them, by heart change heart
Standing in the other's shoes and problem analysis, can give others a for his own benefit feeling, this cast its good skills are strong persuasive. To do this, "the mutant" is very important, but the prophet Pilate, and then can from each other standpoint problem.Christian Louboutin Pumps
A precision machinery factory produces a new product, it will be some parts entrust small factory manufacture, when the small factory will parts of semi-finished products factory, and behold all displaying the discord requirements. Because of a looming, factory director had to make its again as soon as manufacturing, but small factory officials think he is completely according to the specifications of the manufacturing factory, don't want to go back and manufacturing, both sides lasted for a long time. Factory director saw this situation, in inquire reasoning, then for small factory director says: "I think it is entirely due to company poorly designed by, but also make you suffered, true sorry. Today is because you help, fortunately only let we found to have such shortcomings. Just now, it's always to be completed, you might as well will it make more perfect little for you that I both sides is good." The small factory director after hearing, gladly hear.
Six, sought unity, with the short fill long Christian Louboutin Boots
Accustomed to persuade people stubbornly refused to others, often in the "no" psychological state of organization, so naturally can present stiff expressions and posture. To deal with this kind of person, if start question, can never break him "no" psychology. So, you have to work hard to seek and other consistent place, let the other agree with your opinion, thus far from the topic of interest for your words and then ideas will your idea introducing topic and finally obtaining the consent of the other. There was a guy who stubbornly in love with a businessman's daughter, but the girl is consistent refusal to see him, because he is an eccentric ridiculous TuoZi.
This day, the young man found girl, courage to ask: "do you believe in marriage comes by destiny?" Girl staring at the ceiling answer 1: "believe." Then ask him, "do you believe? He answered, "I heard, each boy before birth, god will tell him, which is the future is going to marry a girl. When I was born, future bride had already rationing me. God also told me, my bride is a TuoZi. I was asked god supplications: 'god, a hunchback of the women will be a tragedy; put your bow-backed, again will give I left my bride beauty.'" then girl looked at guy's eyes, and was deep inside some memory disturbed. She twined her arms out to him, and he became a favorite wife.
The first snow
Things get here, BaiJieBen can continue to lead her quiet life, but, I do not know how, she always not put those trust of look in the eyes. She turn to move, the boy suddenly call: elder sister, I want a drink.
From that day on, BaiJie took the boy, he said he called blessed treasure, BaiJie will call him blessed treasure. I and BaiJie spoke, blessing treasure kept turn to look at us, meet my eye, he will softly smile. My eyes some moist, BaiJie like me, a good sister. No, she would be better than mine, because, she faced no blood relations retarded children.
Looking for days, with quartered lines fill my eyes BaiJie "one meter sunshine" become my foothold. Into the shop, see f treasure, I'll be at ease. The day was cold, TianTian should wear sweaters, I would have bought orange sweater gave blessing treasure. F treasure dian was delighted to wear, blunt I smile. Then follow behind me ask little child's question. I say, he asked again a "then?" Suddenly, I think I talk to me is TianTian.
The first snow, I went to BaiJie there. A door, BaiJie from beside the stove stood up, red eyes, blessing treasure lying in bed, not like to see me, as times joy.
I asked BaiJie how, BaiJie concerning f treasure said: he caught a cold, but would not go extinct intravenous fluids! I this is figure? I tomorrow he sent him to an orphanage.
Blessing of treasure body a smoke a smoke, see is crying. I sat with him, to say with him: tell elder sister, why not injections?
F treasure said: sister have no money!
BaiJie said: money.is need not your tube, you little let me fuck snacks will do. Words say with me with quartered lines fill my eyes the same.
From my pocket and prepared 2000 yuan BaiJie, pass BaiJie anyway refused to answer. I said: it is not for you, but for my family, I TianTian on this blessing treasure, hoping someone will be there for blessing treasure like you and me on this TianTian good
Let her care is love
"Mom, give me two pairs of cotton slippers! Want that kind of bright yellow, the more fresh the flannelette better, just like the chicken villi, that should use eleusine sole son xin-er..."
"Mom, you go home, his two inclined MingQian good tea for I want some really want to let's hometown of tea ah..."
Even to mother for her underwear: "vest in that white twill, the trousers don't do triangle, inner that just comfortable..."Christian Louboutin Sandals
"Call money you can buy many slippers underwear!" I smiled at her, "in Beijing? What can't buy more trouble. It's not filial mother."
"I this is filial piety?" Her facial expression very earnest, "my parents are retired two years ago. Dad will play chess, nothing when still can someone to play, mom was a labor life, but work is work, and even the people talk all effortless. Retire, I again not at nearby, she all day of vacant. Last time home listening to the neighbors said, she often land in the doorway sat, sit half-a-day." Her eyes are glistening things in flashing, "so I'll call her, but I found, after the telephone, she still empty. I think for a long time to come up with this approach, not way is to give her find something to do. You know what? Every time prepare asked her to what I do, I will racking my brains. Heavy afraid she labored, and more afraid of her nasty cast. Too little is too light again afraid she see me plot, your heart sad."Christian Louboutin
My heart feel very warm. This is love. I think. Originally, love also can so. Think again, love is really well. Dear people ate ravenously elaborate doing the dishes, wearing the clothes for their laundry and valet we relaxed neatly go out, lying on the scent comfortable bed asleep... This time, we were happy. As we work with everyone knows, for the beloved hard, be happy. But see they enjoy our work, we is full. If one day, we do anything for them, that must be a pain, at least, is also a kind of torture. Because, useful to them, is about we exist in the most valuable significance of. Christian Louboutin Pumps
Thus, the friend to the working life of mother, it may continue to let her for lovely daughter toiling down is appropriate. Whenever I imagine how she cheerfully for those bright yellow wool slippers busy and how in sunshine for the daughter of fresh tea, how to send home in white twill above ground conveying his delicate care and love, I will think about love topic is how rich ah. Let her idle, not necessarily love. Let her CARES, also can be love. Let her relaxed, she does not necessarily pleasing. Give her a burden, she might have peace of mind. I have to admit, love really need method. And every man of wisdom, to the word will have unique interpretation and creativity.
Feeling of happiness - the story of my husband
Dream of you
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Sedentary chair of the stovepipe method Christian Louboutin Boots
Class family for a long time sitting at your desk, the legs due to lack of exercise and fat easier. Can use the opportunity to sit some exercise and to eliminate the effects of fatigue and double stovepipe. 1, sitting in a chair, his hands leaning on a chair on either side, fixed to his body, lift one foot and straighten the knee rest 30 seconds. Then do the same for the other foot action. It must be noted: in both knees straight, non-diversion of the position of the knee. 2, sitting in a chair, chest, keeping his legs crossed, toes touch the ground position, press down hard legs above, the following legs hard up top, about 10 seconds after the legs are reversed for 10 seconds to do the same ,2-3 times can be. Do not need to hold your breath to do this action。
Home stovepipe Sports Christian Louboutin Pumps
Rest or watch television at home when the air can make use of legs to do a parade. 1, ballet dancers often do the action: a leg jumping forward 90 degrees, feet Bengzhi, then slowly move to the side of the body, each leg 20 times. Stovepipe can insist on doing this action, but also well-proportioned body. 2, beautify legs curve very effective actions: lying on the ground, put his hands on the side of the body, the legs straight and tight, interactive sports feet 20-30 feet, and then take a break, and then repeated twice.Christian Louboutin Sandals